
来自我们总统的信息 & 首席执行官


在Element Solutions,我们经常谈论“专注”的力量.” Picking the needle-moving activities and prioritizing them at the expense of other activities. 当你把注意力与优秀的人才和一致的激励措施结合起来,奇迹就会发生. 这一点在ESI的ESG中表现得最为明显. 因为我们在2020年底拿起笔撰写了第一份ESG报告, 这家公司已经取得了巨大的进步. 我们提高了ESG数据的透明度, 设定雄心勃勃的目标, 并朝着这些目标取得了有意义的进展. 这是一个关于ESG报告如何具有影响力的案例研究. 由于其低能耗、低放电制造, our company inherently is more environmentally sustainable than the average in our industry, 但报告增加了重点,明确了改进的机会. 对目标的需要促使我们制定雄心勃勃的具体目标. Combined with the “Elements of our Culture” which encourage us to accept challenges, 做出承诺,关心我们的社区和整个世界, 我们在路上.

从全球宏观角度来看,这两年并不轻松. 然而, with our key strategies well-identified – including “Enabling 最信用的十大网投” – the company has been able to manage through short-term volatility steadily without losing sight of our long-term opportunities. Our culture demands we deliver on our commitments – this is true in all market environments and of all types of commitments. ESG也不例外. In 2022, 我们落实了可持续发展优先事项, 包括宣布我们雄心勃勃的可持续发展目标, 支持许多联合国可持续发展目标, 以及发布首个与气候风险管理相关的TCFD指数. Whether it was the reinforced support behind our customers’ sustainability solutions or our continued responsible sourcing practices while navigating raw material shortages, we trafficked at the intersection of sustainability and customer value propositions. 我感谢所有让我们实现愿景的员工.

In 2022, we progressed against our long-term 可持续发展目标 to improve our impact on the environment and the quality of our company:

  • 可持续的化学: We reached a milestone this year in terms of revenues from sustainable chemistry. 2022年,我们的可持续化学净销售额总计约7亿美元. 我们正在朝着2030年10亿美元的目标迈进.
  • 能源使用 & 排放: 2022年,我们进一步完善了减排基础. We incorporated our recent acquisitions into our baseline and began to work with a third-party expert to expand our decarbonization approach and execution plan.
  • 职业健康 & 安全: In 2022, we hosted another annual global safety day and have enhanced safety training and observation rates around the world. We experienced a modestly lower total recordable incident rate (TRIR) this year as compared to 2021 and are actively working on specific initiatives to further improve this result.
  • 多样性、股票 & 包含(反&I): In 2022, we achieved our first goal on our journey to becoming a more inclusive and diverse global organization – 90% of our U.S. 员工完成了我们的DE&我的训练和100%的美国.S. 经理们从更深入的包容性项目中受益.

We work very closely with our customers to contribute to a sustainable supply chain that supports responsible manufacturing and human rights. We do this by focusing on providing new and innovative products to the market that improve environmental stewardship. Our products help reduce environmental impact by enabling green products or improving process efficiency, removing hazardous chemicals through green chemistry initiatives or supporting a circular economy through product and package recycling.

We are proving at ESI that improving from an ESG perspective is a long-term value driver. 我们有大量的, profitable commercial opportunities associated with improving our customers’ environmental impacts. These are driving us towards our target of $1 billion of sustainability-related sales by 2030. We continue to innovate in this area and introduced several exciting capabilities in 2022. Some of the greatest breakthroughs are in our water treatment business with the launch of ShadowZD, a near-zero discharge system allowing nearly 99% of processed water to be re-used during direct metallization processes. This innovation allows customers in our core circuitry business to metalize circuit boards using less than 1% of the water they would have used in prior processes. Given a large portion of the printed-circuit fabrication industry is located in water-stressed areas, 尤其是在中国, 这是一个帮助我们的客户和地球的好机会. We have innovated new equipment processes for existing customers in the industrial solutions business as well. 一路走来, our installed base of ancillary water treatment equipment continues to prevent pollution and provide value through metals reclaim.

我们在其他行业也有很多可持续化学的例子. Our solutions allow the automotive industry to move away from Hexavalent Chromium, 继续获得领先oem厂商的青睐. Our direct metallization process minimizes the use of Formaldehyde and other hazardous materials while also reducing water and power consumption and waste generation. 这个过程仍然是行业标准. 这样的清单很长,而且还在不断增加.

It has been rewarding to see all of this internal progress recognized by third parties. Our improved ESG transparency and reporting have translated into strong recognition in our industry. 我们为连续第二年获得EcoVadis奖牌而感到自豪, 从2021年的银牌提升到2022年的金牌. We were also included for a second time on 新闻week’s list of America’s Most Responsible Companies.

All of this contributes to a more engaged and satisfied workforce despite an increasingly challenging backdrop. 在我们的2022年订婚调查中, we saw an 82% response rate with higher scores reflecting more positive sentiment on 97% of the questions as compared to 2020. 我们关心并投资于我们的员工和他们的社区. 自2020年ESG报告发布以来,我们已经捐赠了超过1美元.6 million with the ESI Foundation either matching employee donations or giving to causes they select. 我们的人民是我们方案中最关键的因素, 因此,我们的可持续发展战略要求我们吸引, 发展和培育多元化, 高性能的团队. We are proud of our progress in this area, but there is more we can -- and will -- accomplish.

展望2023年及以后, 我们很高兴能继续与我们的客户接触, 员工和其他利益相关者参与我们的可持续发展之旅. We are committed to delivering progress against our ambitious 可持续发展目标 every year, 适应我们行业不断发展的技术需求, and providing high-quality disclosures as reporting standards continue to evolve. We look forward to continuing this discussion and invite you to read the exciting detail of our progress and initiatives in this new report.


总统 & 首席执行官